Panelist Registration

Do you have a fun idea you want to bring to life? Something educational? Something interactive? Something unique?

Consider hosting a panel.

Registration Details

This event takes place on October 5. 2024 from 10am to 6pm at the Cooper Memorial Library in Clermont, Florida. The information you provide in this registration form will not be sold or used for spam. We only use this data to help run the event and get the information we need. Real people will be reviewing these submissions. Please be patient, as you may not get a response right away. Registration does not guarantee acceptance, nor does filling out this form lock you into any commitment. This is just an intake form to get the conversation started. We will keep the communication going before the event and fill you in with details. See you in October!

Registration Form

Contact Information

This information will NOT be posted publicly, and will be used only for NetsuCon staff to communicate with you.

Panelist Information

The following information will be posted publicly. Please provide a pseudonym if you don’t want your real name displayed.

If your panel is run by a group or a team, you can enter the name here.
What should your panel be titled?
What’s your panel about? The more words the better!
Please list any other platforms you’re on, along with your handle/tag.
If you have a photo from a previous panel, or a group shot, or an image that represents your panel, please upload that here.